Just like any other pastime, motorcycling has its own set of unwritten rules, particularly regarding rider etiquette. If you want to be respected and befriended by your fellow bikers, it’s essential that you understand and follow these expectations to avoid committing a faux pas or causing upset. Here’s what you need to know.

Respect Other Riders’ Bikes

Sure, you love motorcycles and you’re probably excited to get up close and personal with any new bike you encounter. However, running your hand over someone else’s bike, playing with the controls, or worse, sitting astride it is extremely rude without the express permission and supervision of the aforementioned owner. You don’t want someone accidentally scuffing or knocking over your bike by carelessly pawing it, so extend the same courtesy to other motorcyclists and look without touching.

Tip Your Hat

Metaphorically speaking, of course! When you’re out on the road and you see another motorcyclist approaching from the opposite direction, it’s good form to tap your helmet or give a quick wave. Motorcyclists form a unique community and it’s important to acknowledge your fellow bike enthusiasts.

Ride Responsibly

Don’t give other motorcyclists a bad reputation by being a “hoon,” which is the motorcyclist slang for “hooligan,” referring to any rider who operates their motorcycle recklessly and puts other people in danger. Avoid showing off with dangerous tricks, don’t speed, and never, ever drink and ride. Consuming alcohol and recreational drugs before a ride slows your reaction time, reduces your inhibition, and increases your risk of ending up in a serious accident. Respect everyone else on the road and create a good impression for motorcyclists everywhere by handling your bike responsibly.

Seeking a motorcycle sales expert near you? Come see us at our Washington, PA, dealership today to view our wide stock of new and used motorcycles for sale. Steel City Harley-Davidson® is proud to be your Pennsylvania motorcycle dealer, serving our customers throughout the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.